Latest InsightThat Tingly Feeling of Excitement in the Air isn’t the Coming Holidays – it’s NAW

Good news friends! When your alarm goes off on Monday morning it’ll be National Apprenticeship Week.
To mark the 10 year anniversary (where does the time go?) of National Apprenticeship Week, we will be shining a spotlight on FORMA’s own incredible apprentices–celebrating their contributions, sharing their stories, and highlighting the hands-on learning that’s shaping the future of our industry.
Apprenticeships don’t just keep projects moving–they’re vital to the future of construction, with this industry leading the nation in registered apprentices, making up a third of all active apprentices in the country. Follow along on our social media feeds this week to meet the incredible men and women currently building their careers and receiving valuable hands-on training on FORMA projects. We’re excited to introduce you to these future construction leaders, and we encourage anyone considering a job in the trades to take that first step and jump into an apprenticeship program.