Latest InsightDear Federal Way,

FORMA will be seeking bids next month on a major GC/CM project.
Bidders, vendors, suppliers and interested parties: please set up your Zoom machinery and mark you calendars for Thursday, December 2nd, 11AM.
FORMA will be hosting a virtual Pre-Bid Informational meeting on Zoom all about the Olympic View K-8 School Replacement project in Federal Way and the likely bid packages and scope opportunities involved.
Attendance is not a prerequisite to bid, but we will be providing a brief project description, answering your questions, and discussing the ins and outs of the GC/CM bidding process, in case it’s new to you.
We’re strongly encouraging small and disadvantaged businesses to join us for this discussion, as well as Federal Way-based bidders and companies that we haven’t had the opportunity to work with yet, as well as those we know and depend on regularly.
Head over here to register for the event, we can’t wait to see you