JOC in Your Inbox: Highlighting Design-Build Best Practices in Job Order Contracting

You’ve got mail! and it’s Issue No.08 of FORMA’s exhilarating JOC serial    

As you must know by now, here at FORMA we are big believers in Job Order Contracting–an alternative on-call contracting method that allows us to plan and execute a wide array of fast-paced, complex projects in close collaboration with our public clients and design partners–that’s not so dissimilar from design-build delivery.

In our current e-newsletter, Playground Tactics to End Recidivism: Respecting our Most Fragile Families, we examine these benefits of integrated teaming and early conceptual feedback provided by FORMA JOC teams, via a closer look at our recent work with the Hands on Children’s Museum, FRAME, and the Department of Corrections. Leveraging the adaptability of Job Order Contracting and its inherent emphasis on transparency and tight-knit collaboration, our JOC group worked side by side with the project team from earliest conceptual development to transform lackluster family visiting centers into inspiring spaces for play and engagement within correctional facilities across Western Washington

A great success, through this pilot program our team has delivered revitalized visitation spaces at Clallam Bay Corrections Center, Washington Corrections Center for Women, and Stafford Creek Corrections Center that now feature brightly colored wall murals and engaging hands-on elements to encourage interactive learning and play, and reinforce critical family bonds. 

With myriad benefits and opportunities for both public agencies and subcontractors of every size and stripe, we’re spreading the word about Job Order Contracting through regularly emailed knowledge bombs like this one. If you’d like to be added to our distribution list, please contact us here, and to learn more about our the transformation of these visitation spaces, check out this HOCM video.


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