Latest InsightHave you dove into FORMA’s latest JOC Newsletter yet?

For all you collectors out there, carefully cataloguing each of these hand-hewn belles lettres — this is Issue No. 5, and it’s here to instruct and entertain.
During these extra long, super sunny summer days, what could be nicer than a trip to the waterfront? Not for mere frivolity or leisure, mind you, but for a fascinating lesson in the science of corrosion and yet another true story about how FORMA’s Job Order Contracting division was able to save the day (actually probably we saved the whole Wharf really) in collaboration with savvy owners and local subcontractors.
So strap on those flippers and slip into the cool Everett waters with us via JOC in Practice: Anode What You Did Last Summer.
To get the word out to more public agencies and OMWBEs about the benefits of Job Order Contracting and to celebrate its myriad opportunities and accomplishments, we’re circulating a JOC success story via emailed newsletter, like this one, on the semi-regular. If you’d like to be added to our distribution list, please contact us here.