Latest InsightDon’t Squat With Your Spurs On

We have lots of great advice to offer on quite a wide array of topics–but rest assured in FORMA’s regularly circulated JOC newsletters you’ll find only tips and tricks applicable to the realm of efficient and hassle-free public contracting. Keep an eye out for our newest issue, coming at you shortly.
We’re big fans of the Job Order Contracting delivery method here at FORMA–a unique and flexible on-call arrangement that allows us to plan and manage a wide array of fast-paced, complex projects in collaboration with our public clients. As a major added benefit, FORMA’s JOC program shines as an effective mechanism for painlessly bundling and executing similar scopes of work across multiple sites.
In our current e-newsletter, Bundling Up with JOC, we take a closer look at this specific benefit of the delivery method via a case study of our current work with the Lake Washington School District–replacing traditional drinking fountains with bottle fillers in dozens of buildings throughout the District.
Sounds like a headache, right? Nope. FORMA’s JOC team offers a streamlined process with cohesive subcontracting crews and modular, replicable installations to ensure consistency in quality and execution; as well as flexibility, cost-efficiency, and a reduced burden on contract administrators.
To get the word out to more public agencies about the benefits of Job Order Contracting and to celebrate its myriad opportunities and accomplishments, we’re circulating a JOC success story via emailed newsletter, like this one, every few months. If you’d like to be added to our distribution list, please contact us here.