Latest InsightA Lovely New Building for Poor Yorick and his Friends

What? Do you not recite the graveyard lament from Hamlet to Horatio each time you see any type of skull? No matter the setting? Alas indeed.
Good news for you then that this is not a Shakespeare blog for literature nerds who are no fun at parties (me, not you). The nice lady with her skulls in the nearby photo is actually a member of the Anthropology Department at Shoreline Community College, and we found her last week as we joined faculty, students, teammates, and community members at the Grand Opening of the new three-story Cedar Building at SCC, a project we recently completed as GC/CM in collaboration with Mithun.
Classroom demonstrations, special guest speakers, music, and light refreshments were all a part of the big celebration, along with guided tours of the new building–positively bursting with state of the art facilities to support the instruction of health sciences and advanced manufacturing–specifically: biology, chemistry, phlebotomy, medical lab technology, biotechnology, bio manufacturing, and mechatronics.
Named “Cedar” to honor the rich cultural heritage of the Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific Northwest, the 54,000 sf complex replaces five buildings on campus and houses a mix of maker spaces, classrooms, labs, and offices; as well as a student lounge and outdoor gathering and study areas in a large landscaped courtyard.
To learn more about this new addition to the SCC campus you can check out this short video created by the college, and to see the building come together, head over to the project’s Instagram feed, where we memorialized the process. Thank you Dolphins – we are so proud to be a part of this exceptional new building!