Latest InsightWe’re so proud to be a part of this project

“It’s been heartening to see this little YMCA marching forward while so many other things have been disrupted…” -Mary Gibbons, board member and longtime volunteer fundraiser with the South Sound YMCA.
FORMA crews have been hard at work in Mason County, building the new Shelton YMCA, and we’re pleased to share this recent article in Thurston Talk that hi-lights the remarkable communities that came together to make it happen. Residents, business owners, and community leaders from Mason and Thurston Counties donated generously to the capital campaign, while local elected officials supported the project and secured additional state funding.
With extensive clearing and grading work done and foundations poured, we’re getting set to erect the pre-engineered metal building and zip toward the finish line–set for next Spring. Head over to the South Sound YMCA’s website for more information on this inspiring community project.