The New AHS is Open!

Last week we celebrated a major milestone with a few friends in Anacortes

The replacement and modernization of Anacortes High School has been a major undertaking that we began in the summer of 2015 when we submitted our qualifications for consideration as GC/CM.

Three years and two phases later, we joined 100s of Anacortes community members to celebrate the opening of the brand new classroom building–the centerpiece of the new campus that boasts state of the art STEM facilities, a new art wing, library, commons & dinning, classrooms, and admin spaces.

With just Phase III to go, we’re on schedule to finish completely this December, having delivered more than 100,000SF in new construction and comprehensive modernizations on this occupied public high school campus in a tight knit community we’ve come to feel very at home in.

For more on last week’s Ribbon Cutting festivities, please check out our facebook page, and for an excellent recap of all the complex phases and new features of the project to date, we recommend this video. And don’t forget you can keep up to date on our progress as we finish construction via the project’s Instagram feed.


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