Latest InsightPreserving History

FORMA leads a team of local volunteers to protect the Old Brewhouse
Built in 1906, the six-story brick Brewhouse – original home of The Olympia Brewing Company – has been sitting mostly empty for decades and steadily falling into disrepair.
The City of Tumwater has embarked on a phased plan to restore and remodel the landmark building, but with funding not yet in place, the first priority is simply to protect the structure from further damage. Led by FORMA, a team of local volunteers and community businesses have collaborated over the last several weeks to donate time & materials and erect temporary support walls and roofs; but there is much more to be done in order to properly restore the historic Brewhouse.
You can learn more about our preservation efforts here at the City’s site, and in this recent Olympian article. Stay tuned for updates and ways you can get involved to support this community icon.