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The Bainbridge Island School District is hosting tours of the beautiful new BHS facilities we’ve just completed, but space is limited–here’s how you can reserve a spot for this weekend.
We’re putting the final touches on the complex multi-phase renovation / new construction program that we began in 2018 with our GC/CM team in Preconstruction work and logistics planning at Bainbridge High School.
Since that time we’ve managed careful occupied renovations on an active HS campus, mitigated major sub-surface challenges that threatened costly delays, and maintained safe and efficient construction progress despite this crazy on-going, world-wide pandemic. We’re so proud of the resulting BHS facilities in the 100 Building and 200 Building that house a new light-filled commons, state of the art CTE labs & workshops, and a stunning new theater.
Pre-registration is required in order to see these new facilities for yourself this Saturday, March 27th on guided tours beginning at noon. Check available times and sign up for a spot here, and if there are no spots remaining, you can still learn more about the new BHS spaces and see a short virtual tour via this recent article in the Kitsap Sun.
See you on Saturday!