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Please update your rolodexes. FORMA has moved.
FORMA’s South Sound operations are moving today after more than 35 years in our Tumwater offices off of Mottman Rd where the company was originally founded.
Since that time we’ve renovated, revamped, updated, built-out and T/I’d countless office spaces for a wide variety of public and private owners in the PNW, so we thought – hey, let’s do us now.
As of Monday, April 5th you can find FORMA Olympia in our swanky new custom accommodations on the 2nd floor of 500 Columbia St NW near the Marina and the hustle-bustle of downtown Oly. Phone, fax, and email addresses all remain the same.
Stay tuned for photos of the new space on our social media platforms as we get settled and watch your inbox for an invite later this year as COVID restrictions ease further and open houses start to sound like a good idea again.