Latest InsightJoin us on June 20th Online

FORMA is teaming with DLR Group to pursue an exciting new project in Tacoma – register now for our upcoming Opportunity Outreach Event to learn more.
The Port of Tacoma and Tacoma Public Schools are jointly seeking a design-builder to program, design, and deliver a new Maritime Center.
With extensive experience in the K12 sector and the working waterfront arena, FORMA and DLR Group are well-suited to this unique project and we’re looking to round out our team with Pierce County businesses — including small and disadvantaged firms. We seek both sub consultant team members during design and subcontracting partners for the construction phase — whether you run a business in the trades, or provide a service like printing, cleaning, catering, or similar.
Register now to join us on June 20th for a fuller introduction to the project and our PD-B team members, as well as a discussion on how we package scopes of work that could be right-sized for your emerging businesses.
To join the conversation, register above, or email FORMA’s Outreach + Inclusion Manager, Carrie Whitton with your questions. We look forward to seeing you online!