Latest Insight“Drop Everything Venkman. We Got One.”

Hold on tight everybody. It’s JOC-in-your-inbox. Ghostbusters Edition.
In this issue of our beloved email serial we harness the power of the also-beloved 1984 cinema masterpiece Ghostbusters to illustrate how you’ll want to keep the phone number of your Job Order Contractor handy in case you find yourself in an emergency.
A unique and adaptable alternative delivery method, JOC allows public agencies to select a GC partner for a two-year term of on-call collaboration and expert procurement to deliver a wide range of smaller scale projects. Armed with the hands-on expertise to trouble-shoot problems swiftly and the industry relationships to quickly match the scopes of work to the right local subcontractors, FORMA JOC teams are well-equipped to efficiently handle any crisis bedeviling your facilities–just like the Ghostbusters. Except without all the particle throwers and virtually zero ectoplasm.
Each year, our responsive JOC teams perform hundreds of wide ranging construction repairs and upgrades on public facilities and infrastructure across the region–with tangible benefits for the civic owners, client agencies, local taxpayers, and the small and historically underutilized businesses in the community with whom we contract to complete the work.
To get the word out to more public agencies and OMWBEs about the benefits of Job Order Contracting and to celebrate its myriad opportunities and accomplishments, we’re circulating a JOC success story regularly via newsletter, just like this Ghostbustery one.
If you’d like to be added to our distribution list, please contact us here.