Latest InsightAs Seen in the DJC

Regular readers of the FORMA newsreels (we have to assume you’re out there) will note that we’ve neglected to keep you updated re our progress on a major new academic facility in Shoreline. Today we right that wrong.
As seen in the DJC this morning, FORMA’s GC/CM collaboration with our friends at Mithun is humming along nicely on the occupied campus at Shoreline Community College, with exterior cladding & interior scopes underway and move-in on schedule for later this year.
The new three-story, 54,000 sf complex will replace five existing buildings on campus and will house SCC’s health and technical programs–a mix of advanced manufacturing maker spaces, classrooms, labs, and offices; as well as a student lounge and outdoor gathering and study areas in a large landscaped courtyard.
We’ll be cutting ribbons and welcoming students into the new Health Science & Advanced Manufacturing Classroom Complex (HSAMCC) in no time, but in the meantime, you can watch it come together on Instagram.
See you soon, Dolphins!