Latest InsightFull Circle at LWES

Regular visitors to the FORMA News page (are there those?) will have noted multiple posts over the past two years pertaining to the Lake Wilderness Elementary School Replacement project. This is probably the last one of those.
Selected as GC/CM in 2015 to lead this complex planning & construction undertaking at the largest elementary school in the state, FORMA has been working closely with the Tahoma School District and TCF Architecture to deliver a beautiful new campus where once there were many, many portables.
Begun as a Modernization project that morphed into a full-blown Replacement, we marked several major milestones along the way. From the well-attended Ground Breaking festivities–complete with 1000+ kids in little yellow hard hats, to the 4′ x 5.5′ scale model of the new school we built entirely out of LEGOs (currently on display in the LWES library), to last night’s emotional Dedication and ribbon-cutting, this has been a complex, community-focused, collaborative effort that we’re so proud to have been a part of.
Check out our Facebook photo album for more photos of the dedication goings-on. Good luck, Lake Wilderness, we hope you will enjoy your new school for many years to come.